Black Girls Be Getting By With A Little Help From Their [Girl] Friends

I have been blessed with the right people at the right time all the time.  Lately I have bemoaned about my lack of a man/significant other/boo thang, but I just want to take a minute to say how very grateful I am for my significant others of my sex, my girls! My girls push me, prod me, uplift me, tell me off, get on my nerves, make me laugh and keep me from crying.  Though most of my girls are far and farther I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

There’s my Best Friend in New York who I’ve legitimately known for 20 years.  We were even picked on by the same kid in preschool (I’ve forgiven him; she hasnt).  She’s the friend that I cant get rid of even if I wanted to because she has enough blackmail on me for three lifetimes.

There’s my homie-sister-friend who I made be my friend. Literally. Last year she got a job I applied for and I was following her on Twitter and I told her that she was gonna be my friend. We just got back from Jamaica 2 weeks ago. She challenges all my sensibilities and make me rethink my thoughts. That’s a friend. She moved to NY from NC and 6 months later I moved to NC from NY and we joke that neither state could handle us together.

Then there’s my… she has too many titles to even list.  But she has such a dynamic personality and she is the consummate performer.  And when I want to be flirtatious and feisty, I turn into her. Is that creepy?

I have old friends and new friends, friends I met be chance and friends who I had no choice but to befriend.  I even have a friend from another planet. No really.

Sometimes we get so caught up in what we dont have that we miss out on what have right there.  So thank you for being you and for being you with me. I love you and need you more than you’ll ever know.

Black Girls be Gettin By Wit a Lil Help From Their Friends

I’m sleepy and it’s way past my bedtime but I amgoing to blog every day this month!

So I just want to take a quick minute and say how grateful I am for the people in my life. We have an obsession with titles and labels. Black, white, old, young, friend, lover. But the reality is that none of these things matter. The truth is that all of these labels that we stick on people so that we can feel more comfortable in our carefully categorized life are lies. I am blessed to say that I have people in my life who have performed above and beyond the role I have assigned them in my life. My closest friends are my sisters. I have no choice but to love them and when I am angry with them I know that it is from a place of love. They make me a better person. I have had male friends who have been lovers who have taught me more about genuine relationships than a “boyfriend” ever has.
I had the opportunity to spend some time with a friend like that this evening (which is why I am up at 2:30 blogging). We laugh, we joke, we tease, we question but most of all we care. And not in a superficial what can your success do for me kind of way but in a very real I want the absolute best for you kinda way. I am a better Me when I am around him because I’m not trying to be something or do something or prove something. I just am. And I wouldn’t trade our intimacy for anything.

There are so many other examples I could mention but it’s too late, I’m too tired & it would take too long. Just know that I am immeasurably blessed and I thank God for each and every person He has placed in my life. Even you.