Black Girls Be Doing the Most

Aww BGB!!! How I have missed you. Let me count the ways! I haven’t blogged in about a week and a half and I have really missed it.  I think Im scared of success.  Because every time some one praises my blog I feel like pressure to be good. But when hardly anyone reads it Im all like eh, whatevah. I need to get over that.  You, (Yeah you, I see you over there looking all sexy #HeyBoo) are reading this because well I dont know why but hopefully its because you find something good and interesting and genuine.  Yeah, I just hope you find something genuine.


So let raise our glass to to authenticity! Typos and all!

Black Girls be Having Wild Adventures

Ok so I know yall are probably so over me.  My blogging has been so erratic but I have a good reason.  First it was because I moved and going from a very sedentary job to a 1 laptop, shotty WiFi having home cane hinder anyone’s blogging efforts. And then I went to DC from June 29-July 3.  So much happened while I was in DC that I cant even put it all in one post. Im gonna break it up by days.  Cuz it was just too much to read or write at once.  So check for “The Adventures of Awkward Duck* & Me!”

*Awkward Duck is my homegirl’s twitter handle.  She will be a prevalent character in my adventures so know her and love her.