Black Girls Be Spiritual

I am a spiritual person. I believe there is a higher being and that we are all connected to a universal source.  I am also a Christian, raised in a Christian household and reared in a society whose rules are based in Judeo-Christian ethics.  I am a product of my environment.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with Mother Blue Black and she mentioned that a certain presidential candidate said that he cried tears of joy when the ban of Black priests was lifted by the Mormons.  Not only do I not believe that he cried tears of joy, I still am not convinced that he was built with the capabilities to emote.
But I digress…

So I responded, I don’t know how a Black person can be a Mormon.  Immediately after saying that I had to admit to myself that some people wonder how a Black person can be a Christian, especially here in America. (This is the part where you read the first section again) And sometimes I have my own problems with faith.

I have had many a conversation with many a people and ultimately I had to decide what I believed. *Not my mother, not my father but its me Oh Lord…* And here is what I have come up with:
I believe in God. I believe in all paths to God. I believe that God is love and anywhere that love is, God abounds.  And I believe that on a planet where not only do we disagree on whether Coke or Pepsi is better, there are some people who think cola is gross and then some who have never even tasted soda. So how could we all agree on one deity!? But again I am a Christian because I was raised to be so. I prescribe to The Golden Rule and choose to disregard the misogynistic, slave-holding and sexually repressive passages of the Old Testament.  Its my faith, my path and my choice.

*Some things in the world they make me mad, but its alright*

Being a Christian, I am often disheartened by the travesties that are committed in the name of God. Sometimes I think we should replace God with Love and see if statements still makes sense. “I am discriminating against you in the name of Love!” “Love is punishing you for your unholy acts!” “Love hates…” But wait. Love can’t hate. That is oxymoronic and nonsensical and just dont make no sense. Maybe then it will seek in.

This was not the post I intended to write but sometimes it beez like that.  I blame a conversation I had with a dear friend and the cloudy day.  I also blame the divisive and downright scary political climate.  And Im just another Blue Black Girl trying to find her way.

Choose love ya’ll. Choose love.

Black Girls be Blessed

So today I called a cab today and I got a Hispanic man. We begin to talk and he’s saying how nice a day it is (it is a beautiful day) and the conversation is going smoothly and then he asks me if I’m married…

Now let’s pause there. Because I am the daughter of a NYPD detective I always peep my surroundings.  I noticed the silver wedding band he had on so I hoped that he wasnt trying to hit on me.

But I told him No and he asked why. I said I dont know. Because who really knows why they arent married. If I Google “Black girl single” right now there will be a million articles from a million “experts” pontificating on this phenomenon.  But ultimately it boils down to not finding the right person yet.  And I just graduated from college. Whatever that means.

He asked me if I attended a church to which I said yes even though I have my problems with “church”.  He turned around, grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, “God will send you a good person.  God will bless you.  Find someone that loves God and he will love you. But if he doesn’t love God he wont love you.”

And in that moment I felt a sense of peace and reassurance that I havent felt in a very long time.  It was so genuine and spiritual.  I really felt God in that moment.

I thanked and blessed him and I’ve felt glowy all day.

So thank you Jose.